BMS 45 08HE 8" Neodymium Planar Wave Driver, 3,5+1,75" VC, 150W+80 W AES, 113 dB,

Artikelnummer: BMS4508HE-8

8" Coaxial Neodymium Planar Wave Driver

Bitte Anfragen 035322/18528

Versandkostenfreie Lieferung voraussichtlich zwischen Monday, 16.09 und Wednesday, 18.09 nach Deutschland

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  • Unique Dual Diaphragm Coaxial Planar Wave Driver
  • Rectangular piston of 8"x3/4" (125.6 x 19 mm)
  • Neodymium Magnet Assembly
  • Perfect acoustical coupling of individual units to create virtually continuous line source
  • Extended Bandwith (300 - 22000 Hz)
  • With two Subsystems in one, each Driver covers a smaller frequency Range for oncreased Power Handling, high Dynamic and extremely low Distortion
  • Additional shorting rings for lower distortion
  • Excellent Phase Coherence
  • Perfect Time Alignment without Promblems of Multi-Source Interference
  • ultra light Weight and small Size
  • 8 or 16 Ohm

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